This invention relates to the field of metallurgy, namely to a method for producing iron. The purpose of the invention is the use of coal with a small amount of energy. In the method for producing iron from an oxygen compound of iron, preferably from ore, the oxygen compound of iron in a vessel for reducing ore is reduced mainly by the reaction gas from the vessel for melt, then it is introduced into this vessel. melt and melt during the extraction of hydrocarbon fuel and oxygen-containing gases. The reaction gases emanating from the molten iron are partially burnt in the tank for the melt. The heat released is transferred further to the melt, and the reaction gases are cooled and recovered on the way to the vessel for ore reduction with the help of reducing agents. 4 hp f-ly, 1 ill. § CO co 4; o
发明作者:Фон Богданди Людвиг;Броцманн Карл
申请人:Клекнер Цра Технологи Гмбх (Фирма);

The invention relates to metallurgy, in particular to a method for producing iron from an oxygen compound of iron, preferably from ore, which is reduced in a vessel for reducing ore by means of a reaction gas, and then melted in a vessel with the addition of carbon-containing fuel and oxygen-containing gases, such as oxygen or air. .
The aim of the invention is the use of coals with a small amount of energy.
The drawing shows the implementation scheme of the method of producing iron.
The melting vessel 1 with the refractory lining 2 has an internal volume of 150 m. The nozzles 3 in the bottom 4 of the vessel consist of two concentric tubes, the diameter of the lumen of the inner tube 5 is 24 mm, and the width of the annular gap between the two tubes is 1 mm. Through the central tube 5 of the nozzle 3 in the bottom 4, oxygen or ground coal together with the carrier gas enters the melt. By means of valves, it is possible to switch from oxygen to a suspension of carrier gas with carbon. To protect the nozzles 3, gaseous and / or liquid hydrocarbons, in this case propane, are passed through the annular gap 6 in an amount of from about 2.5 vol.% In terms of oxygen. |
 In the upper part of the gas space, the melting tank 1 has two nozzles 7 for penetrating oxygen that penetrate the refractory lining 2 and are equipped with a common pipe 8. The outlets of the nozzle 7 with a diameter of 40 mm are about 3.5 m higher than the fixed bath surface.
In a vessel for melt - 9 iron weighing 120 tons, for melting per hour about 70 tons of steel are prepared from the input material.
During the operation: the janes, through six nozzles 3 in the bottom 4, 40 tons of coal per hour of the following composition,%: C 73; H, 4; 0 1 1; N. 1.5, ash 8.5, liquid components 27, moisture 1.5, with the heat of combustion 6700 kcal / kg In parallel, through eight lower. there are 3 nozzles in the bottom 4 serves as an example melt
1500-1600 ° C. In tank 1
but 12,000 norms. oxygen in the bath. For slagging, oxygen is loaded with lime dust (CaO) in the amount of 12 t / h. The loading can be carried out continuously or periodically at a higher speed.
The injection nozzles 7 with the direction of injection into the center of the bath function at the oxygen injection rate of 15000. normal m / h. Gas flows.
capacity in the gas space for melting on sufficiently long paths of flight in the form of free jets carry with them the repeatedly introduced volume of oxygen from the reaction gases into the gas space, thereby achieving an afterburning of about 15% CO to CO, respectively 23% (including the proportion of H Do. The heat released due to the special injection technique in combination with the strong movement of the bath by transferring the fraction of total oxygen through the nozzles in the bottom is transferred further to the melt.
From the tank 1 for melting through the gas pipeline 10 with a refractory lining 11, 80,000 norms are diverted. the reaction gas of the following composition,%: WITH 57; COg 10; h 16; 12; N 5, heat of combustion 1860 kcal / norm.-. In such an air heater there is a capacity for conditioning 12, which, due to its nozzle, has a high heat capacity, is mixed with this reaction gas. 5000 kg / h of coal dust. A special nozzle with an additional introduction of gas across the direction of the main flow leads to an intense displacement of the reaction gas with coal dust, while the reaction gas is reduced and simultaneously cooled. Gas. Composition,%: WITH 55; CO 6; H 31;
five; N.2 4, leaves the air conditioner 12 through the gas line 13 with the optimum temperature for reducing the ore
900 ° C. 0
Recovered reaction gas
injected into a hot cyclone 14, in which dust particles increased with gas are deposited. It then goes through the ring duct 15 and the blowing nozzles. neither, as in the blast furnace, enters the capacity for ore reduction - the shaft furnace ° 16. In the furnace 16, per hour of iron ore is reduced
with an iron content of 64%. After reduction, the gas composition,%: CO 41; WITH 30; H ,, 23; one; N 4, leaves the shaft furnace 16 and is discharged along line 17.
From the furnace 16 for the reduction of ore, through the extraction device 18 and the discharge pipe 19, the recovered ore with a metallization degree of 75% and a temperature of 800 ° C is fed directly into the tank for melting,
90000 norms, m / h of gas from the shaft furnace 16 can be supplied to consumers, for example, for heating, It is also possible to treat the gas by flushing the CO2 and then re-feeding it as a reducing gas into the tank to reduce the ore.
At this, to get a ton of steel (iron with 2-3% carbon and insignificant amounts of phosphorus and sulfur consumes 650 kg of coal specified
composition, 380 Nm of oxygen and
165 kg CaO.
The steel may be withdrawn from the melt tank hourly in portions or through an outlet orifice continuously.
When oxygen is injected, the pressure in the melt tank 1 is 2 bar, which is enough to overcome the flow resistance in the entire system, therefore devices for compressing the reducing gas are not needed.
Through the nozzles 7, the air preheated to 1200 ° C can be blown into the upper part of the tank 1 above the bath surface instead of oxygen. The process is carried out in the same devices. Coal and oxygen with lime are introduced through the nozzles 3 into the bottom into the tank .1 for the melt. The amount of CaO for slag formation is consistent so that lime and Ca02 SiO2 of coal ash and gangue ore establish the CaO / Sic slag basicity of about 2. This basicity of slag at a melt temperature of 1550 ° C leads to a distribution of sulfur between the slags and the bath, approximately equal to 100 i.e. the sulfur content in the liquid iron is 0.015%, while the sulfur concentration in the slags is 1.5%.
Above the bottom through the side nozzles 7, which are located approximately 3-4m
Bbmie stable bath surface, hot air is blown into the melt. When this is achieved, the degree of afterburning is 23.4% (15% CO to CO, the residue H to N., 0).
In this case, for the production of 1 ton of raw steel, 640 kg of coal (including coal for gas reduction) of the indicated composition, 130 m of oxygen, 1250 m of hot air with a preheating temperature of 1200 C, 155 kg of lime for slag formation, 1560 kg of ore, which, after partial reduction with a metallization degree of 75%, is fed directly from the ore reduction tank with a temperature of 800 ° C to the melt tank.
1750 Nm of reaction gas with a temperature of 1575 ° C is formed in the vessel for melt composition,%: CO 36 ;; CO 6; H 10; /, 3; N ,, 41. After admixing 110 kg of coal dust, 2,000 norm of reducing reaction gas with a temperature of 900 ° C is obtained,%: CO 38; C02 2; H 25; 2; N 33. This reducing gas in the ore reduction tank serves to reduce the ore and leaves the mine. furnace with composition,%: CO 28; WITH 16; H2 18; 2; N, j 36. Amount of exhaust gases 1875 Nm. Heat of combustion of exhaust gas 1300 kcal / m,
With the exclusive use of hot air with a preheating temperature of 1200 ° C, to carry out the proposed method, it is necessary to have 2000 Nm of air per 1 ton of steel raw material. The specific consumption of coal does not change.
According to the invention, when establishing an equalized energy balance, the raw materials, the reducing agent, the degree of afterburning, the method of reducing the ore in the ore reduction tank can be changed. While partial post-combustion of the reaction gases in the vessel for the melt and reduction with simultaneous cooling of the reaction gases are used, the changes are in the binding system.
Preferred is such an embodiment of the method, when a pre-reduced ore with a metallization degree of 30-70% (preferably 50%) from the ore reduction tank is introduced into the tank for
melt and simultaneously increase the afterburning of the reaction gases in the tank for melt up to 30-40%.
According to this embodiment of the invention, the use of gas in the tank for reducing ore will increase to 50%. The metallization of the pre-reduced ore decreases below 75%. For example, the use of gas in a shaft furnace can reach 45% with a metallization degree of 53%.
The introduction of a pre-reduced material, for example, a pre-reduced high-grade ore with a metallization degree of 30-70% (preferably 50%) into the tank for the melt according to the proposed Method, can be carried out without difficulty while there is a high
gania (30–40%) of the reaction gases produced in the tank. According to the invention, for this, the rate of oxygen injection is significantly increased, which can be 100%. The oxygen-containing injected gases can be blown into the bath from the oxygen inlet pipe and / or from the nozzles that are embedded in the refractory material in the upper part of the melt tank, so that the gas flows in the gas space in the form of free jets. At the same time, free jets carry with them a large part of the gas volume injected. The oxygen-containing gases introduced may be pure oxygen, air, or any mixture of air and oxygen.
Experiments have shown that with the implementation of the proposed method with a high degree of afterburning (30-40%), an increase in the rate of injection of oxidizing gases up to exceptional filling, for example, preheating M with air contributes to the safe establishment of relatively high afterburning.
The use of preheated air as an oxidizing agent is essential. Higher physical amount of heat based on relatively high volume of ballast gas in the form
nitrogen allows the addition of an iron bath surface.
ku of large quantities of reducing agent to the reaction gas from the melt tank while maintaining a favorable temperature (800
1000 C) for ore reduction. Thus, the proposed method makes it possible, on the one hand, to increase the degree of afterburning in the vessel for the melt, on the other hand, to obtain the optimal reducing gas for the Ore recovery vessel.
The process can proceed autothermally; it requires only a slight excess of energy. The gases leaving the ore reduction tank have a residual heat of combustion of only 600–1000 kcal / norm.m. For example, the amount of exhaust gases from an ore reduction tank can be reduced to about
1900 norms
the value of residual heat of combustion 750 kcal / norm.m.
To produce 1 ton of steel from ore, only 500-600 kg of low-cost coal with a high proportion of volatile components is required. Of these, about 350 kg are blown into the tank for the melt and to reduce the volatilizing high-degree post-combustion reaction gases from the tank for the melt, residual amounts (about 150 kg of coal) in the form of dust are added to recover the reaction gases to the ore in the tank. This fraction of the carbon for gas entrapment can be replaced by another reducing agent, napheerame, natural gas.
According to the invention, the reaction gases 40 in the process that are reduced at 1600 ° C when they exit the melt tank are cooled to the optimum temperature for recovery in the tank for the reduction of the ore temperature of 80045
1000 ° C
For example, a melt in a converter-like container contains a melt into which 360 kg of coal is blown in through nozzles located below the bath surface with 34% volatile constituents, 7% ash and 1.5% moisture to produce 1 ton of steel. At the same time, 1270 normal meters of air are blown in with the heating temperature.
air 1200 ° C on
Next, in the tank for the melt is injected
metallization staining
kg of pre-reduced ore with a temperature of 800 ° C and a temperature of 59%.
G710 Nm of gas with a temperature of 1575 ° C of composition,%: CO 19; CO 8; H2 5; 8.5; N 59.5. This gas, on its way to the reduction vessel in the shaft furnace, is recovered with the help of 146 kg of coal and then contains%; WITH 31; 00 1.6; Hg 14 1.7; N, 49.6, temperature 1 The gas volume due to the addition of carbon for reduction rises to about 2060 Nm.
Instead of 146 kg of coal, 120 Nm of natural gas can also be used to reduce the reaction gas discharged from the tank for melting the reaction gas.
The waste gas leaving the kiln is cleaned by a wet process and after

this has a composition,%: CO 18; WITH, 17;
Hj 10; HjO 2; N 53. The heat of combustion is approximately 790 kcal / normal m. About 750 Nm of this gas is used to heat the air.
The total excess gas is 1,100 Nm (or 0.9 kcal, respectively).
For restoration, for example, a fluidized bed, circulating vortex: layer can be used. Feed the reducing agent to the reaction gas from the reactor for the melt. also subject to change. For example,
Claims (4)
instead of directly introducing the reducing agent, pre-injection into the pipeline can use the input of the recovered ore with a degree through separate containers for passing through metallization of 30-70%, mostly days, for example, with an improved displacement of 50%, while a simultaneous degree of drying. reaction gases equal to 3040%. Claims 5. The method according to claims. I - 3. or 4, about t40 that is in ka1. The method of producing iron from reducing agents uses ores, including a preliminary coal, which is supplied to. the vessel for formation and metallization in the melting and refining reactor is higher with reaction gases removed from the melt.
melting tanks, subsequent melting and refining of pre-reduced ore by introducing carbonaceous
fuel and injection of oxygen-containing gases from the top to the surface, afterburning of the reaction gases with the supply of heat generated by the rasplah and cooling them to the temperature of the preliminary reduction by mixing them with reducing agents, in order to use coals with a small stock energy, 10-90%
of the total consumption of oxygen-containing gas is blown into the molten bath, and the mixing of the reaction gases with the reducing agent is carried out before the reactor
2. A method of pop 1, characterized in that the mixing is reacted. reducing gases with reducing agents are carried out in a separate tank,
3. Method according to Claim 1 or 2, that is, that the melting of the pre-reduced ore is carried out under a pressure of 1.5-5 bar.
4. Method according to pi., 2 or 3, o t - characterized by the fact that the comp-t
titr ;:
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Compiled by A.Ashikhin Editor M.Tsitkina Tehred V.Kadar
Order 1325/58 Circulation 550Subscription
VNISHI USSR State Committee
for inventions and discoveries 113035, Moscow, Zh-35, Raushsk nab., d .4 / 5
Production and printing company, Uzhgorod, Projecto st., 4
Proofreader N.Korol
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